Posted by: rhenderson8110 | June 25, 2014

The Man Behind the Bump

I wanted to write about someone who often gets left out of all the pregnancy gushing and baby shopping sprees. Actually, now that I think of it that someone gets left out a lot. Between showing off my new ring (that he bought), planning the wedding (that he is equally part of) and feeling my baby bump (that he helped create) somehow we forget about him. The man. You know- the other half of the equation. I think sometimes it’s easy to forget about the husband. After all he is simply doing what he is supposed to do- working hard to provide for the family day after day. 

But guess what- pregnancy is a brand new and sometimes difficult phase for him too. It isn’t just about me losing sleep and aching all over. If you’re married to a good man he has lost sleep too… because now he is taking care of two instead of one. His responsibility has already increased and I think you’d be surprised how acutely aware he is of that fact. If he is a purposeful man he is already charting out in his mind how he is going to have to change and grow to provide for a new family member. Another little person to take under his strong and steady wing. Except he probably doesn’t feel strong and steady; he probably feels timid, a little left-handed and maybe even fearful. Especially given what has been pumped into his brain by media today: that he, as almost all husbands are portrayed, is completely inept at doing anything and should just shrink down, pretend the responsibility doesn’t exist and grab the remote. But if you married a good man, like I was blessed with, he knows he can’t do that. He doesn’t want to do that. He desperately wants to step up to the challenge and deliver. 

So, instead of rushing past the dad-to-be to ask mom-to-be how she is doing… maybe take a moment and ask him. Men are so critically important to our culture, our society and our homes. Let’s remember that together. Let’s build future fathers up and remind them that God is equipping them to do the work ahead. Yes fatherhood is a great and vast calling- but it’s also extremely doable with God’s help and a little pep talk now and then. 

Men often do the dirty work of life. And a lot of what they do is not as apparent as my cute, very-noticeable baby bump. So, if you’re married take a second and thank him for all that he does for you. If you know a dad-to-be remind him that he is going to do great. If you’re expecting, like me, tell your man about just how confident you are in him. Let him know that you are absolutely sure that he is going to succeed… and that those times when he doesn’t are okay too. You’ll always be right there by his side, thanking him, praising him and encouraging him to try again.

So, thank you baby. For taking care of the two of us even before you have met one of us. I know you work hard and I know you always will. What a blessing that is. I can’t wait for our little girl to meet you and enter the world knowing she has a Dad who desperately loves her and will be her covering. Just like you’ve done for me these past almost 4 years. If a Husband ever ‘deserved’ to become a Dad- it’s you. ❤



  1. Sweetie, I don’t even know where to begin…or how to accurately explain my thoughts right now. I just know I’m overwhelmed by the blessing of a wonderful, godly help meet. I know I’m not deserving of those accolades (as you figured I’d probably say), but I’ll continue my daily fight to be worthy of half of them. This equation has three (and soon to be 4) absolutely necessary ingredients, of which I’m so grateful! I just love you so much. You are already the perfect Mom for our family 🙂

    • Thanks baby! You’re the absolute best ❤

  2. First. I choked up reading Alex’s response. I love how much you love each other. God is so good!

    Second, Rachel. You have such wisdom. It is a blessing beyond words. I have had this on my heart since the miscarriage when I watched everyone run straight to me but leave David in the dust. I remember when he told me how hard that was for him. Feeling like no one realized the impact it had on him. And it has become even more apparent how having a baby isn’t just about me since Judah was born (such a simple concept that we deep down know but never realize how important it is…). Just watching him interact with his boy… we are blessed to have such godly, compassionate men. Never lose this perspective!! And cherish these last few months! 🙂

    • First- I know he is so wonderful and God is so great!
      Second- I can imagine David feeling awful in that situation- how terrible to forget about his loss too. And now God has blessed you once again! It surely is a team effort, isn’t it? 🙂

      • Man, I miss you guys! We are coming home for Christmas, though! 🙂 It is. I can’t wait for you to experience of rush of love you will have for Alex after meeting your daughter. It is such an amazing moment. 🙂

  3. We miss you too! If you have time we’ll have to get your baby boy and our baby girl together while you’re home! And I can’t wait for that rush of love moment either!

    • We will make time. Anything to see you guys. 🙂

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